
Upcoming daycare photo day

Step - 1

So you are ready to place your order - great!

Step - 2

Click on your child's daycare below.

(hint: they are in alphbetical order )

Step - 3

Complete fields & follow the prompts on the form.

Step - 4

Make payment via credit card or Paypal.

Please Note:

You will need to complete your order by the "Order By Date" supplied to you by your daycare centre.

We shoot to order on the day, please do not assume your child will have a photo taken without an order.

Please do not contact us if you have missed your Centre's order cut off date. Late orders may be placed online from midnight until 9am on the day of the photos. An additional charge applies for late orders.

NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE PLACED AFTER 9am on the day and must be paid for in full

Please click on your child's daycare below

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